What it says above.

Click on the link above for a brief history of the best club in Wales and East
Sri Lanka.

Results / Reports
This is where you will find photo's and reports of matchdays and occasionals reports of the game itself.

Pub Guide
Probably the most accurate and well researched section of this site. Click here for a guide to all the worst pubs in the Vetch proximetry.

As you would no doubt be aware, there are far better Swans sites available. Here are the best of them

If you have any compliments or criticisms to make about this section of the site please leave a message

JANET Football
Go here for reports and pics of the Swans fans encounters with Cardiff fans and refugees.

All manner of Swans related shit that doesn't fit into any of the sections above.


February 15th Swansea 3 v 2 Southend
Swansea Jack (free faggots and peas at half time during the Wales international games) - Potters Wheel - Garibaldi - Mel Nurse Bar - North Bank for 10 minutes - Potters Wheel - Stalk Teabag down the KIngsway - Kingsway Balti (Balti Chicken Pathia, Pilau Rice, Chips and Naan bread) - Home. I think.

Following on from the recent home reports which have mainly consisted of pics of the ground here are a few more starting with the West Stand, the place where Teabag stores his stuffed seagull collection

East Stand - Half finished and the place where Teabag stores his Razzle collection

Murph reminds the Southend fans that they have only scored 2 goals to our 3

The 'Che' style Teabag t-shirt is ever nearing