Heathrow Airport
General Bob Slipon Zod manages to somehow evade airport security
Heathrow Airport
The Taliban took issue with Zod over him shaving off his beard

Somewhere above Israel
Predicting the events of the desert, the Israeli army try to stop us from reaching oz either that or boeing have introduced hyperdrive.
Dubai Airport
The palm trees and obvious wealth reminds me of Fairwood Airport

Somewhere above Anglesey
Zod gets in some practice for the 34 day pissathon that was too come
Somewhere above India
After eating fish for the 48th time in less than 24hrs I turn into Herman Munster

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Soon after landing in Oz we meet this individual and our normal, respectable lives are changed forever..
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
In order to see the 'real Australia' we find ourselves dressing like 1 of the 20,000,000+ natives within 18.67 hrs of landing

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
We introduce some Swansea influence on proceedings in the form of beauty products from Swansea Market
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Our influence soon spreads to the natives...

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
and then some Americans who probably thought Australia was part of Austria
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Zod decides Wollongong is in need of some more water whilst Troy flavours the air

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Wollongong South View - The Steelworks in the distance and dead person on the beach remind us of Swansea
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Wollongong north view - The clean sand and clear water and nice scenary do not remind us of Swansea

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Slipon tries to make the beach more like the one back in Swansea
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
This man's hair (a popular style amongst the residents of Portmead) is further proof that Swansea is linked with Wollongong

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Picturesqe scenary (Well Hills over looking the City) yet more resemblences
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Cormorants are often seen in the Maritime Quarter as is crystal clear wa...er ...boats

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
At first I thought they were elaborate lamp post decorations but they were in fact pelicans which didnt unfortunately give Zod a shit shower
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
After me tracking him for months, the tide has turned and Teabag Pete is now tracking me! Here we see the bearded one kipping

Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
Zod continues adding the Slipon scent
to the area...
Wollongong (Swansea's Twin City)
...whilst Troy's mate is caught picking his ass and the act is rightfully pointed out

Robertstown Pie Shop
There can be only one pie shop/bakehouse and that is in Landore
Joanna Gash - Electoral Candidate
Would make a good Prime Minister with a surname that like and her blue complextion.
Swansea - Wollongong

Great Ocean Rd - Adelaide
The Red Centre
The East Coast
